Sometimes in our lives things just happen, things that are a coincendental mystery that just slaps us in the face. We don't quite know how to react, or are afraid to.
Your first memory of a birthday party, a summer vacation at the lake, that time at Christmas when you got everything you wanted.
A good friend can spark memories that have been hidden for a very long time, you may want to laugh or you may want to cry, which ever way it goes it is probably exactly what you need for the moment.
I have always believed more in choices than fate. You are where you are, doing what you want to do, because you choose to. This is one of my mantras.
I have had many things happen to me in the last few months, and I just wanted to take a moment here to thank you all. one or two of you may have made me break down like a baby and cry, I know, but yes I get emotional just like any one else at times, and a good cry is not a bad or unmanly thing. More often than not though, you have made me smile, you have stroked my ego, and made just feel so good.
I love you all and give BIG HUGS to you all.
Just Playin' said...