Saturday, December 12, 2009


Sometimes in our lives things just happen, things that are a coincendental mystery that just slaps us in the face. We don't quite know how to react, or are afraid to.

Your first memory of a birthday party, a summer vacation at the lake, that time at Christmas when you got everything you wanted.

A good friend can spark memories that have been hidden for a very long time, you may want to laugh or you may want to cry, which ever way it goes it is probably exactly what you need for the moment.

I have always believed more in choices than fate. You are where you are, doing what you want to do, because you choose to. This is one of my mantras.

I have had many things happen to me in the last few months, and I just wanted to take a moment here to thank you all. one or two of you may have made me break down like a baby and cry, I know, but yes I get emotional just like any one else at times, and a good cry is not a bad or unmanly thing. More often than not though, you have made me smile, you have stroked my ego, and made just feel so good.

I love you all and give BIG HUGS to you all.


Anonymous said...

"You are where you are, doing what you want to do, because you choose to."

That is so true. It's sad how a lot of people just chalk up their bad situations in life to fate when it's really they themselves who have brought the trouble through an unwise decision.

Rae said...

Sending the love right back at you. I am so happy to call you a friend and I feel blessed knowing you. You have a special gift for making others feel special. Coincidence or not, you were meant to be here. You have brightened my life. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog, but truly loved every word you wrote here.....I sometimes cry.....and yes our choices do determine our destiny......

thoughtful and thought provoking....thank u for sharing

lisa said...

A good cry can be cleansing uplifting and needed. Blogging gives us freedom to stir memories and free emotion. Happy Holidays.

Marla said...

Bob ~ I don't know if I've made you laugh or cry but I do know you are one swell guy. I am thankful to be your bloggy friend. Hang in there, Buckeroo. The rodeo aint over yet. Praying for you this evening.

Sarah said...

well i do know one thing: if you keep hugging everyone soon the whole world will have to love you, so cut if out! :)

you are there for so many people. even though we couldn't see you, your caring personality still shines through. you are special, and thank you for who you are!

Lydia said...

We cry to let some pressure out. In fact there are many different ways to do so. Blogging its one of those ways. This is such a beautiful thing you wrote here. Thanks for sharing it with us. Hope you're doing good. Happy Holidays!

Dayne Gingrich said...

Does fate manifest through our choices... or do we make specific choices because of fate?

Love this discussion. Love this post!

Cry? You're a man! Men don't cry! ;-)

preppyplayer said...

You're an emotional guy- and that's just fine.

Lillian Robinson said...

Back atcha Bob! said...

Your sensitive, genuine, loving nature makes friends out of strangers around the world. Thank you for connecting through my blog so I can have the honor of your blog friendship too.

Chapters From My Life said...

I am not going to dwell on the part "You are where you are, doing what you want to do, because you choose to." But then it is going to haunt me for sometime.

I am not sure whether I have been a part of any of those happening in your life but I would like to put a few lines of smiles on your face for making me laugh hard until my face ached.

It is tough your ego because I do not see one or else I would lovingly do it.. You have a special place in my heart Mr.Bob.

Betty Manousos said...

Bob, I do agree;our choices determine our destiny.
You are a wonderful friend and I am thankful to be your fellow blogger.
Love and hugs

Bruce Coltin said...

Bob, I'm just not a hugger, but I would like to shake hands on this.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

A very thought provoking post. Good to hear a man admit to crying - not just a thing for us women, sometimes a good sob makkes you feel so much better.

Tina said...

You're a sweetheart Bob. Tina xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Bob! I can't help the things I say, you're just such a great guy!!!!
Thanks for the love and I'm sending mine right back at ya!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Bob, in all this time that I have known you, I have always known that you are a very sensitive and caring man. These are good qualities, so don't let anyone put you down. You are one of my heroes in this mad world of blogging, and a man that I admire very much indeed.
I love your thoughts on life, and the comfort that you have sent me, although you may not have realised it! I know that it's hard to keep up with everyone, what with time differences and things to do at this time of year, but you are always either in my thoughts or not far from them!
Take good care of yourself!
Big hugs!

plainolebob said...

thanks every one glad you enjoyed a little different kind of post

Anonymous said...

Nothing plain about your writing "plainolebob." You got a couple of blogs poppin' at the same time, so if it's okay with you, I'm gonna come back and have a good shufti ('shufti' a sooo UK word for 'look') at your numerous blogs later in the week.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love it when I make a connection…

Ellie Kings said...

Crying is healing for the soul, Bob. A man that is able to cry is a REAL man. :)

LookingForNormal said...

Um Yea I'm pretty sure that I am definetely one of the blogs that you cry at cause its so damn depressing. lol. No really. But you said the I make you feel comfortable so maybe I just say some of the things that you feel. You were the first person I talked to when I started a blog. You slways make people feel better and don't judge them. Just cry if you want to cry, laugh, drink beer, whatever you want to do.
Sara is kinda right with the whole hugging thing. lolol.
So real quick have to tell you my little one; the ten year old now. Everyone would always ask her for hugs so one day I said "Can mommy have a hug?" She said, "No they're all gone." I asked her maybe when she thought she would have some more.(she was about three) and she said "I might have some more tomorrow." Now wasn't that rude? lol. Hey bob stay sweet, happy or cry if you want. I doesn't make a difference. They are called "emotions" and yes even guys have them. lol.

B.J. Thompson said...

*Mikey taking a bow*


(chortle, snort)

Kate said...

Bob I love you right back. I love your writing and I love that you constantly surprise me.

Kate xx

Innocent Owner Of Mad Cats said...

Bob, your a special person...not short bus special...well maybe that too!

Really though, you are and you shine in every thing you write. It's not that you make us laugh or cry or think, it's how you make us feel and THATs what makes you special...not short bus special. LOL

plainolebob said...

A short thanks to you Mike,lol

plainolebob said...

I thank you all for all of the encouragement

Sandra Wilkes said...

Hi Bob, It will be interesting to see what happenes in 2010. Life will keep on happening won't it. I hope you'll get more than your share of the good stuff. You give more than most. Let's surely stay in touch, share the good and the not so good, and make it all even better!

Stella said...

It's true only to a point. Did a child choose to be born with genetic defects? Or does anyone choose to get killed in a plane crash? Rae Sandra

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Always a pleasure! ! !

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